The group held its fourth meeting yesterday, using Zoom for the second time to stay connected during the COVID-19 restrictions. While we all look forward to catching up again as soon as possible it is great to see the flexibility that Zoom provides with people joining in from home. Unfortunately our guest speaker wasn’t able to join us, so we look forward to hearing from Darcy, a dietitian from Peter Mac, at our next meeting.
The group took the opportunity of the extended private discussion to continue to get to know each other. It was great to see new faces at the meeting and be able to share stories and support each other through that sharing of information. It was also great to hear what everyone is doing to occupy themselves during the current restrictions – it seems that dog adoption is the new must-do at the moment. We hope the chewing and sleepless nights don’t last too long!
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 8th October and we look forward to seeing you all then.